Thank you very much for your continued support for our products.
It has come to our attention that there are counterfeit products imitating the design and form of our Underwater Housing TW-1 accessory for THETA V, THETA SC and THETA S on sale in the market under the same product name and listing as a THETA accessory.
These counterfeit products have not been verified to meet our company’s performance and safety quality standards. As such, the quality of images captured during the use of these counterfeits and their ability to prevent water from entering the underwater case may differ from the official Ricoh Underwater Housing TW-1.
We recommend the use of our official Ricoh Underwater Housing TW-1 and would like to warn customers that we will not be responsible for any malfunctions or accidents that may occur due to the use of unofficial products including these counterfeits.
Right: Official Ricoh product (Packaging is white)
Left: Counterfeit product (Packaging is black)
[Logo/Color of the seal at the case opening]
Right: Official Ricoh product (Has a logo, color of the seal at the case opening is black)
Left: Counterfeit product (No logo, color of the seal at the case opening is white)